Slow Cooker Chicken Broth
Recipe type: Slow Cooker, Chicken
  • Leftover roasted chicken carcass (basically everything leftover)
  • See my post about roasting chickens or just use a store bought one.
  • Five (5) carrots
  • Five (5) celery stalks
  • One (1) onion, quartered
  • Two (2) bay leaves
  • Parsley, fresh or dried
  • A couple whole garlic cloves (or not, if you don’t like it)
  • Water
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  1. Throw all ingredients into slow cooker.
  2. Fill slow cooker with water, leave about an inch at the top to avoid overfilling.
  3. Cook on high heat for about 8 hours. I have seen recipes that say to cook it on low, but I’m paranoid about keeping chicken at a low temperature for so long. That’s just me. So I cooked mine on high and it still turned out great. I’ve seen recipes that go for as long as 16 hours, but I found overnight was plenty on high.
  4. Using a ladle – spoon the broth mixture through a colander with very small holes into a larger bowl. If you have cheese cloth you can use this over a regular colander. This is to remove any bits of bone or vegetables from the broth. Be careful it will be hot.
  5. Pour strained broth into smaller containers for freezing. Leave some extra room to account for the liquid expansion when it freezes. I froze mine in 2 cup containers to make for easy measuring later.
Recipe by A Happy Hive at