Biscuit Mini Pizzas
Recipe type: Pizza
  • Pillsbury Grands! Flaky Biscuits - you can almost always find coupons for these, check the coupon database. If you prefer, make your own pizza dough with this recipe or Pillsbury makes a pizza crust, but it’s almost never included on sales like the biscuits.
  • Pizza Sauce or just tomato sauce
  • Oregano or Italian Seasoning
  • Mozzarella Cheese
  • Pepperoni
  • What other toppings you like - our favorites are black olives, basil, mushrooms, spinach
  1. Preheat oven according to instructions on biscuit package. Mine said 375 degree F.
  2. Open the can of refrigerated biscuits. Using clean hands, stretch out the biscuits to make them flatter – about 6-inches across. If you had the time and patience – have the kids help! Work on a surface away from the preheating oven and have them help make their own.
  3. Spread out onto cookie sheet. I could fit six to a cookie sheet. Which left me with two “extras” that I put into mini heart-shaped spring form pans (see similar product on Amazon).
  4. Put about one spoonful of pizza sauce on each crust. Spread around. Sprinkle with italian seasoning (some sauces come pre-seasoned).
  5. Add cheese and other toppings
  6. Pop in the oven and check after 10 minutes. Bake until golden brown and cheese is melted!
Recipe by A Happy Hive at