Start with your dough. I like to roll them out into long skinny pizzas. They fit better on the grill (I think). Don’t roll it too thin, you don’t want it to rip or tear.
Turn your grill on high and get it nice and hot.
Sprinkle a pinch of flour on the dough and brush it with olive oil. Repeat on the other side. This will keep them from sticking to your grill. Some even suggest taking some olive oil and brushing it on your grill racks directly.
Carefully put dough on grill, close lid and let it cook for about 1-2 minutes. Keep an eye on it – you don’t want it to burn! Then carefully flip it over and repeat on the other side.
Remove crusts from heat and put your favorite toppings on them!
Turn the heat down on the grill to medium. Return the pizzas to grill. At this point you just want to heat the toppings and meat the cheese without overcooking the underside of the pizza! Keep the lid closed to help it cook the toppings – as I heard one grilling expert say, “If you’re lookin’ . . . it ain’t cookin!”
Once your cheese is melted and your ingredients are warm enough, remove it from the grill. It shouldn’t take long.
Slice and eat. And if it’s nice – eat outside, the pizza tastes better when you’re sitting in the sun.
Recipe by A Happy Hive at