1 – 2 colored bell peppers – $0.33 each (discounted)
½ – 1 red onion – $0.40 cents
1 – 3 small zucchini – FREE from garden, but probably $1-2 if purchased in store
1 tablespoon olive oil or canola oil
½ teaspoon cumin
1 cup couscous – This is available in bulk $1.78/lb at Winco
1¼ cup chicken stock – $0.50 – $1
Salt, pepper to taste
Optional – feta, kalamata olives
Throw quartered vegetables into a large bowl and coat with olive oil, cumin and a sprinkle of salt.
Grill vegetables on grill, about 15-20 minutes, until they are charred and softened slightly.
Meanwhile, cook couscous according to instructions. Basically you boil 1¼ cup chicken stock (or water) and once it starts boiling, add couscous, remove from heat and cover. Let stand for 5 minutes, then fluff with fork.
Once vegetables are done, dice finely and mix in with cooked couscous.
I would have loved to add some feta for a little extra flavor to this dish.
Recipe by A Happy Hive at https://ahappyhive.com/grilled-vegetables-couscous/