2-3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts – I used frozen, because I didn’t plan ahead and defrost.
1 can of black beans, rinsed and drained – I used two cans of beans
1 small bag of frozen corn
1 to 2 cups of chunky salsa – Depending on how “spicy” you want it. I just dumped in the whole jar.
1 package of cream cheese (8 oz) – Cut into chunks. I used a tub of cream cheese, technically not the same thing as a block of cream cheese, but it’s what I had in the fridge.
1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese
Optional garnish: sour cream, avocados, cilantro
Throw chicken breasts into bottom of slow cooker (if fresh chicken, I like to rinse first and pat dry with a paper towel)
Mix remaining ingredients in a bowl and pour over the chicken (I’ll confess that I just threw everything in, I didn’t even stir – that would have taken me an extra minute and made an extra dirty dish. If you have time – stir it and mix it before throwing it in.)
Cover and cook on high for three (3) hours or low for six (6) hours. Because I used frozen chicken, I cooked on high for 6 – 7 hours.
Remove chicken and shred it. Mine shredded fine in the crockpot, or you can take it out, shred it with a fork and add it back in.
Serve over rice or quinoa or serve taco style with tortillas. We tried both ways and they were delicious. We also topped with sour cream and slices of avocados.
Recipe by A Happy Hive at https://ahappyhive.com/slow-cooker-chicken-santa-fe/