Homemade Hummingbird Food (Nectar)
Recipe type: Other
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 cup white sugar
  1. Boil water, add sugar, stir until dissolved.
  2. Don’t boil too long – it will change the ratio of sugar to water. You want a ratio of four (4) parts water to one (1) part sugar. So you could do 2 cups water and ½ sugar, if you wanted or any quantity that follows the ratio.
  3. Wait for it to cool and add to feeders. If you have leftovers, keep in fridge for up to two weeks.
  4. Don’t add food coloring – it can be harmful. I’ve found red feeders with clear nectar are very effective without adding extra colorings. Also placing the feeder near flowers and/or greenery – the birds like a quick escape into a tree or brush. Try to avoid spilling – or else you’ll be in the business of attracting ants.
Recipe by A Happy Hive at https://ahappyhive.com/homemade-hummingbird-food-nectar/