About 7 months ago we did a post, We answer YOUR questions about full-time Airstream living and travel and I think it’s about time we update our list with your newest questions!
Check out our FAQ post and then leave a comment on this post with any questions we haven’t covered! We will do our best to answer your questions.
I noticed you haven’t gone to Tennessee, Nebraska and some other states. Is there a reason for not heading to a particular state for a reason? What have been some of the reasons, besides family, for why you have gone to the states you have?
Great question, Andrea! We’ll definitely add that to the list. Stay tuned for the answer!
Hi, guys! Recently found your blog because we are a family of four looking at possibly purchasing the same Airstream you have. Although we won’t be full-timers, we homeschool and my husband’s job is very flexible, so we’re looking to start out with a three-month trip and hope to have other longish trips in the future! I have fifty-eight million questions, lol! But I’ll start with one! Do you ever leave your Airstream anywhere to stay in a hotel or with friends for a couple of nights? If so, where can you leave it, short-term?
Michelle, Great question! We’ll add that to the list of questions to answer. Stay tuned!
I just came up with another crazy question! Do you ever order things online and have them shipped to wherever you’re camping? Or do you do all of your shopping at brick and mortar stores? For example, could you use your Amazon Prime account to have something sent via two-day shipping to a campground? 😉
HI there — I sooooo enjoy your blog, you are a great writer. We are about to head into full time RVing, not sure of the rig we will purchase, but your blog has been invaluable in our research. The only question I have is around clothing and “stuff”. We too will be selling our house. I know there are things we do not want to get rid of but also cannot take them with us, what did you do with your such items? What about your clothes? I am very much a girly-girl and I am worried I will get bored with the small amount that will fit in the RV. What have you done as a woman to enjoy the RV but also still have cute outfits?
I’d love more information about cooking in a RV. Can you give us a week run down of meals? Do you miss cooking in a full kitchen? What is the thing you miss the most about a house? What about the kids? I know they are loving the adventure!
We are considering a full time RV adventure. My son is currently in 1st grade in public school. Was it a difficult transition into homeschooling? My husband and I both have MAsters degrees but have no experience teaching. Any info on this topic is welcome. Curriculum? Hours each day? Record keeping? Test taking?
Thank you so much. Your blog is great and I love, virtually, following you around the country.
P.S. We are in eastern WA if you ever need a driveway.
I would love to see a budget now that you have been traveling a bit longer. I know that they are a personal thing, but believe it would help give a better idea to those of us who are thinking about traveling full time.
Hi, I too love reading about your adventures. My question has to do with driving – does your husband do all the driving, or do you also drive? Is hauling that trailer around difficult? What about set up? Could a woman manage it alone with two kids?
Love your blog and looking forward to more.
This is one of my questions too! Thanks for asking it for me.
My question is not a question, I haven’t finished reading all your archives but did you ever finish your tour?
Do you typically set everything out at every stop? do you travel with a grill or do most parks have places for you to grill food?
Is there a “roadschool” circuit? You seem to be meeting up with the same groups.
I have 2 questions- 1) What are some of your favorite websites for full time RV living and road schooling? 2) What are all of the memberships that you have and utilize on your adventures- I have seen you reference your museum membership and National Parks membership. What are some of the others that you use? Thanks!
What do you do when one of you gets sick? Either one of the kids or one of the parents?
How do you clean the airstream? Mop, vacuum? Is it thought to pack cleaning supplies in the tiny space?